St. Rumons Church - The Future?

By now you will have all received a letter from the Reverend Adrian Wells asking your opinion on the future of our church.

The Church has served our community for hundreds of years.

Generations of families have sat in it pews, celebrated both personal and community events and festivals. Many of us know it as a place to celebrate the seasons - Easter, Harvest, Christmas; it is a place for quiet reflection and there venue for our Rural Cinema.

Please participate - your opinion counts!

A decision on the Church's future will affect the whole of our tiny community so please read the letter carefully, participate in the Zoom meeting he has kindly set up on Tuesday 22nd September from 7.30 to 8.30 pm in order for us all to discuss our views, then complete the paper survey, or online here.

Could it become a ’Festival Church’ with a Friends Group to help maintain it?

This is happening to many rural Churches and most are adopting Option 2 which means that St. Rumon's could become a 'Festival Church' where services can still be held at Easter, Pentecost, Harvest and Christmas while other events such as baptisms, weddings and funerals could still take place. A Friends Group would probably be required to ensure that the building is kept in a good state of repair, the cleaning, flowers and minor maintenance that the church requires to remain open and a place of worship and village celebration.

If you’ve lost the meeting ID and Passcode please get in touch with one of the Parish Councillors and we can help you out.

Equally, if you would like to have a chat about this then please do get in touch with us.

Rosie Ames

Rosie Ames is a Squarespace website designer in Devon, England

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