Sustainable Romansleigh

  • Summary No. 1

    Romansleigh Parish Council aims to minimise pollution and waste in the PC’s activities, and we are striving to be paperless where possible.

  • Summary No. 2

    We are hoping to conserve biodiversity on PC grounds, and to help protect wildlife and plant life in the parish.

  • Summary No. 3

    We encourage reusing and recycling where necessary, and we seek to source goods locally and encourage our residents to shop locally too.

Wildlife found in Romansleigh Parish

These photos represent species spotted within our parish, the village, woodlands and farmlands. As we build up our own archive of images, we will replace them with our own.

If you’d us to add your images to the gallery please send them to Rosie.

Romansleigh Parish Council

Environmental Policy

All activities can have some impact upon the environment; and Romansleigh Parish Council recognises it’s responsibilities to minimise the impact it’s operations have on the environment to the benefit of Romansleigh Parish and the local residents.

  • The purpose of this policy is to benchmark and establish broad objectives to enable the development of activities and/or procedures that will minimise any negative effects on the general environment and enhance and protect Romansleigh Parish’s immediate environment.

  • (2.1) To strive to make a positive contribution to protecting and enhancing the local and global environment.

    (2.2) To be mindful of the fact the Romansleigh Parish Council actions can often have an impact on the environment when making decisions.

    (2.3) To build environmental considerations and sustainability into RPC’s policies.

    (2.4) To minimise environmental pollution and waste in Romansleigh Parish Council’s activities and encourage the conservation, re-use and appropriate recycling of resources within the parish.

    (2.5) To reduce the effect of adverse impacts; Romansleigh Parish Council will aim to embrace the following objectives:

    • Minimise material consumption and consider the lifecycle impact of any purchase

    • Reduce waste and reuse materials wherever possible. In particular, reduce the use of single use plastic

    • Embrace recycling opportunities for reused waste

    • Improve the quality of its working environment.

    • Minimise CO2 and other harmful emissions produced by RPC activities.

    • Minimise energy use

    • Encourage suppliers and contractors to raise their environmental performance

    • Conserve biodiversity on RPC owned grounds, and to manage the same so as to encourage wildlife and plant life where appropriate.

  • (3.1) Energy Efficiency

    Romansleigh Parish Council is committed to responsible energy management and will, where possible, promote energy efficiency through its’ operations by means of the following actions:

    • Increase awareness of energy efficiency amongst employees

    • Recommend energy conservation technology where possible

    (3.2) Recycling and Conservation

    Where possible Romansleigh Parish Council contractors should recycle or re-use any recyclable material.

    (3.3) Office Equipment

    Generally, new office equipment will be selected from product ranges with good environmental standards and ratings in both use and disposal. In addition, the Parish Council will aim to be paperless where possible.

    (3.4) Local Sourcing

    Where possible, Romansleigh Parish Council will seek to minimise environmental damage caused through transportation of goods by sourcing locally. This also has the positive effect of supporting our local economy.

  • Where possible, purchasing decisions will take account of both environmental, ethical and value-for-money factors.

  • Each member Councillor will:

    • Take responsibility for the implementation of the Environmental Policy

    • Encourage volunteers and members of other organisations to adopt good practices so as to improve the environmental performance of Romansleigh Parish Council and to improve its impact upon the environment.

Adopted December, 2022