Did you hear about our Holy Well?


St. Rumon's Holy Well is a very special sacred spring

A few stone steps go down to a small basin of water in this small well house delightfully surrounded by ferns and greenery was restored in the 1950s. Easily found just outside the churchyard wall.

It is associated with St Rumon, a dark age Cornish Bishop.

Down a narrow green lane which was an ancient access to this well.

This view looks back towards the village, going along the north perimeter of the churchyard.

Private houses' gardens border it, where dogs and children became alarmed at my presence there.

I'd not have found it without a book on Devon's green lanes! (See: 'Exploring Green Lanes and the stor...

Rosie Ames

Rosie Ames is a Squarespace website designer in Devon, England


We have a new Parish Councillor!